Asociación de Empresas Tecnológicas Innovalia

Asociación de Empresas Tecnológicas Innovalia (Innovalia)

Location: Bilbao, Spain
Role: Beneficiary – Research and Technology Organisation

Innovalia Association is an independent private Associated Research Lab, recognized as a R&D technology center by the National Register of Technology Centre based on their R&D services to companies. Innovalia, with more than 25 years of experience in technology-based product and service innovation with SMEs, assists SMEs in the development of ICT-based solutions in the areas of information security, software quality, M2M and mobile multimedia information services.

Innovalia Association is a Technology Agent of the Basque Country Innovation Network (Innobasque) and assembles skills, laboratories and resources from its four foundational companies. The Innovalia Association is organised into three different Units: Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) Unit, Nanotechnology and Advanced Metrological Unit, Manufacturing and Knowledge Management Unit.

Innovalia’s business activities broadly span the whole European market, the supply of RTD services, the networking of private and public companies with heavy emphasis on SMEs, SME collaboration activities and SME training. Innovalia enjoys a very high level of collaboration with large numbers of companies throughout Spain and the European continent. Among others, the activity sectors where the Innovalia Association focuses its activity include: Aeronautics and Space, Automotive, Electronics & Communications, SME Management, Industrial, Tourism and Entertainment, Metal-mechanics.

Partner role in the PLIADES project:

Innovalia is responsible for the consolidation of user and system requirements that will help to elaborate the first definition of the 6 PLIADES use cases. Functional and non-functional requirements, security and privacy as well as interrelationships and complementarities between the 5 data spaces involved in the project will be some of the requirements pointed out per use case and per scenario. This critical information is the foundation of the design of the 6 cross-data space use cases and both the intra-connections and inter-connections between data spaces. This use case catalog will contribute to the successful development of a sustainable and innovative Data Space interconnected ecosystem.

On top of this key activity, Innovalia will also lead the analysis and definition of Cross-domain data sharing strategies for Data Interoperability to promote the seamless exchange of data between enterprises.