I4byDesign Competence Center Private Company

I4byDesign Competence Center Private Company (I4ByDesign)

Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
Role: Affiliated Entity – SME

I4byDesign is a Competence Center, focused on helping SMEs towards the adoption of Industry 4.0 & Logistics 4.0 technologies. Our vision is to combine know-how, experience, and technical expertise of its shareholders on Industry 4.0 technologies, in order to promote the application of integrated technological solutions. Our mission is to contribute, in National and International level, to the acceleration of digital and technological transformation of the Greek industrial ecosystem, focused on SMEs.

Partner role in the PLIADES project:

As an external partner, I4byDesign is contributing mostly in the design and deployment of specialized trainings, dissemination & exploitation of the produced results and networking by assisting synergies.