Antlantis Engineering SA

Antlantis Engineering SA (Atlantis)

Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
Role: Beneficiary – SME

Antlantis Engineering SA, is an ICT company based in Thessaloniki, expert in offering asset management related services and bespoke products to the manufacturing industry. The company is emphasising on providing decision support for the management and optimisation of production activities and assets’ life cycle, and on the streamlining of various maintenance related processes (predictive/ condition-based).
The company supports the clients in understanding and prioritising the smart manufacturing route towards cognitive manufacturing and Industry 4.0, and in obtaining a holistic view of their plant performance.

Partner role in the PLIADES project:

Antlantis participates as a technology provider in PLIADES project, being actively involved in WP3, WP5, WP6 and WP8. ATLANTIS is leading T5.4, T5.6, related to data sharing and interoperability, T6.7 on federated cross-domain analytics and T8.4, T8.5 on market analysis, valorisation plan and training activities.