Asociación Centro Vasco de Movilidad Conectada, Cooperativa y Autónoma

Asociación Centro Vasco de Movilidad Conectada, Cooperativa y Autónoma (BasqueCCAM)

Location: Donostia/ San Sebastián, Spain
Role: Beneficiary – SME

BasqueCCAM, located in the Basque Country/ Euskadi (Spain), is a non-profit association uniting the efforts from industry, government and academia to boost the position of Euskadi as a key territory in the field of connected, cooperative and autonomous mobility (CCAM).

The association is committed to the provision of services, technologies and infrastructures for the development, testing and validation of CCAM solutions to accelerate their market entry.

Partner role in the PLIADES project:

Contribution to the Data Space for Mobility & Industrial, in user requirements and specifications in WP2, data management in WP4 for CCAM operations and ADAS/ AD functions in smart vehicles and the deployment and testing of the Use Case in WP7.