Second Plenary Meeting of the PLIADES Project: Key Highlights and Progress

The PLIADES project recently held its second plenary meeting from May 29-31, 2024, hosted by INNOVALIA at their premises in the AIC Automotive Intelligence Center, Basque Country, Spain.
With 49 attendees in person and 10 online, the meeting reviewed the progress made during the first six months, discussed next steps for the technical work packages, and aligned on the project’s use cases across domains like mobility, manufacturing and healthcare.

Key highlights included:

Work Package Updates

  • WP1 (Project Management) – CERTH team provided an overview of achieved milestones and upcoming deliverables related to coordination, technical management, quality control, data governance, and more.
  • WP2 (Requirements & Specifications) – Partners discussed the state-of-the-art analysis, defined functional components of the PLIADES platform, and reviewed the design of the project’s six use cases.
  • WP3 (Green Data Creation) – Plans were outlined for sustainable data generation techniques across the mobility, industrial, and healthcare domains.
  • WP4 (Decentralized Data Storage) – The decentralization strategies, cloud/edge integration, and privacy-preserving methods for secure data sharing were examined.
  • WP5 (Data Space Integration) – Initial steps were mapped for developing data abstractions, metadata models, and cross-domain sharing strategies.
  • WP6 (Data Analytics) – The federated learning plans for distributed data analysis were introduced.
  • WP7 (Use Case Deployment) – Steps were defined for integrating the full platform and validating the use cases.
  • WP8 (Dissemination & Exploitation) – The latest dissemination activities and the exploitation/business plans were presented.

Use Case Workshop
A dedicated workshop allowed the cross-domain use case leaders to share the current state and data needs for their pilots focused on areas like smart manufacturing, autonomous vehicles, healthcare robotics and EV battery analytics. Feedback was provided to further refine the use case definitions.

Data Spaces Connector Demo
TNO led a hands-on workshop demonstrating their operational data spaces connector, with discussions on integrating it with the PLIADES AI components.

INNOVALIA Premises Visit

Attendees had the opportunity to visit INNOVALIA’s premises, gaining insights into their state-of-the-art facilities and ongoing projects.

The meeting concluded by addressing open issues, setting new action points, and making arrangements for the 3rd plenary meeting to be hosted by AVL in Graz, Austria. The consortium remains on track to deliver its vision of trusted, AI-driven data sharing across domains.

Stay tuned for further updates on the PLIADES project and its ongoing developments.