PLIADES project presented at BDVA and DSSC Workshop on Horizon Europe Projects in Data Life Cycles

On February 15th, 2024, Dr. Dimitrios Giakoumis, the Coordinator of the PLIADES project from CERTH-ITI, had the honor of presenting the project at an introductory workshop organised by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and the Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC).

The workshop provided a vital platform for five Horizon Europe projects (under HORIZON-CL4-2023-DATA-01-02) to showcase their objectives to a diverse audience, including members of BDVA’s Task Force on Data Spaces and representatives from DSSC. These projects delved into the crucial topic of Data Sharing in the Common EU Data Spaces, engaging industrial stakeholders and others interested in data spaces. This event marked the initial interaction between these projects and BDVA & DSSC, setting the stage for identifying their potential contributions to Data Spaces and areas of intersection.

Focused on Horizon Europe Projects in Data Life Cycles, the workshop aimed to unite various stakeholders to discuss common objectives and anticipated impacts, such as enhancing European leadership in the global data economy and maximising social and economic benefits from data usage.
BDVA, an industry-driven organisation dedicated to fostering the data-driven digital transformation of the European economy and society, along with DSSC, which operates under the Digital Europe Programme to facilitate interoperable data sharing environments, orchestrated this event. Among the projects presented were PLIADES, along with four other Horizon Europe projects working towards similar goals.

Dr. Dimitrios Giakoumis introduced PLIADES to the audience, highlighting its mission, objectives, and expected contributions towards data spaces and intersection points within the broader European data strategy.

The workshop agenda included presentations from other Horizon Europe projects such as Nous, DataSpace, DataShare 2.0, CEDAR and CyclOps. Each project shared its vision, objectives, and potential impacts on the data ecosystem, followed by interactive Q&A sessions.

The event concluded with a collection of feedback from participants, emphasising collaboration opportunities among the projects and their alignment with the European data strategy.